- incense odor
- запах ладана
English-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary. 2014.
English-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary. 2014.
incense — incense1 [in′sens΄] n. [ME encens < OFr < LL incensum, incense < neut. of L incensus, pp. of incendere, to kindle, inflame < in , in, on + candere, to burn, shine: see CANDESCENT] 1. any of various substances, as gums or resins,… … English World dictionary
incense — n redolence, *fragrance, perfume, bouquet Analogous words: odor, aroma, *smell incense vb enrage, infuriate, *anger, madden Analogous words: exasperate, irritate, rile, provoke, nettle, aggravate: *offend, outrage, affront, insult … New Dictionary of Synonyms
incense — [n] strongly fragrant smoke aroma, balm, bouquet, burnt offering, essence, flame, frankincense, fuel, myrrh, odor, perfume, punk, redolence, scent, spice; concepts 599,600 incense [v] make very angry anger, ask for it*, bother, disgust, egg on*,… … New thesaurus
odor — *smell, scent, aroma Analogous words: *fragrance, perfume, redolence, incense, bouquet … New Dictionary of Synonyms
INCENSE AND PERFUMES — In the ancient world, incense and perfumes were extremely precious commodities, sometimes even more than silver and gold, and were greatly sought after for their fragrance, for both secular and religious purposes. Among the gifts the Queen of… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
incense — incense1 /in sens/, n., v., incensed, incensing. n. 1. an aromatic gum or other substance producing a sweet odor when burned, used in religious ceremonies, to enhance a mood, etc. 2. the perfume or smoke arising from such a substance when burned … Universalium
Incense — Burning incense Incense (from Latin: incendere, to burn )[1] is composed of aromatic biotic materials, which release fragrant smoke when burned. The term incense refers to the substance itself, rather than to the odor that it produces. It is used … Wikipedia
odor — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Pleasant smell Nouns 1. odor, odorousness, smell, scent, effluvium; emanation, exhalation; fume, essence, trail, redolence; pungency; fragrance, aroma, perfume, bouquet, ambrosia, ester; sense of smell,… … English dictionary for students
incense — I in•cense [[t]ˈɪn sɛns[/t]] n. v. censed, cens•ing 1) an aromatic gum or other substance producing a sweet odor when burned 2) the perfume or smoke arising from incense 3) any pleasant fragrance 4) homage; adulation 5) to perfume with incense 6) … From formal English to slang
incense — This word (from the Latin incendere, meaning to burn ) refers to various natural substances that produce a fragrant odor when burned. Incense was used as part of divine worship in the Old Testament (see Ex 30; Lk 1:10); incense was one of the… … Glossary of theological terms
incense — I. noun Etymology: Middle English encens, from Anglo French, from Late Latin incensum, from Latin, neuter of incensus, past participle of incendere to set on fire, from in + cendere to burn; akin to Latin candēre to glow more at candid Date: 13th … New Collegiate Dictionary